Monday, June 30, 2008

Tales from the Potty

Way back in November when Joren was insisting on going on the Potty 15 times a day, I refused to potty train... he was just too young (not even two yet). Now that he's almost 2 1/2 I still wasn't quite sure. But the kid was getting ridiculous about his diapers. He would NOT lay down for a diaper change. He insisted on standing and not only that, he insisted on putting it on himself. If a kid is old enough to change his own diaper, he is old enough to be potty trained. But yet, I wasn't sure if I wanted to go through that yet. Then one morning he woke up with a dry diaper. I thought... today's the day. So, I put him on the potty and there it all began. It's been almost two weeks and he's doing great. He's had a few accidents here an there, but that's to be expected. I may have two months of no diapers!!! (Let's just hope he doesn't have one of those reverting back with the new baby in the house thing).


Cami said...

Joren made my day today, waving at me and calling my name during swimming lessons.
I'm so excited that this is going smoothly for you. I hope it continues. I think Joren owes you!

Lucashell said...

Joren what a doll, he will do great especially with the new baby.

Kirbell said...

Yeah!! Potty training is the worst part of parenting for me. So far. So how do you do the fancy blog links WITH updates of their latest post?

Ron and Debbie said...

Joren, way to go!1 You are such a cutie!

Lib-Dawg said...

That will be nice to go two months without diapers...i hear boys are the hardest to potty train.