Monday, June 30, 2008
Tales from the Potty
The Belly Book
You can use it to help take bags home from the store.
When your hands are full, your belly can close the door.
A belly's a good place for resting your cup.
It also works well for a chat with your pup.
But bellies aren't great when you can't read your weight
Or get close enough to hug your mate.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
They may be Famous!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Popsicle Stand
Ryan's New Toy
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Power of TV
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I love my new Camera... I just need to learn how to use it!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
I wanna be like Mom & Dad
Let's just hope that we can be good examples to him since he follows what we do so much. If you ever hear Joren call ducks, "freakin' ducks" you know why!
Why we like living in Daybreak
The splash pool. The kids will play in here forever. I get to sit on my lawn chair and read a magazine in the shade. It's very nice.
Boating. It's just an awesome thought to think that we are blocks away from a lake. We can take the kids fishing, they can feed the killer ducks, they can throw rocks in the water. And you can check out a row boat or canoe and go boating.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Happy Anniversary Ryan & Anisa
It's been a great 12 years! Ryan is the best thing that has ever happened to me! I couldn't have asked for anyone who would treat me better than he does! Happy Anniversary, Ryan. I love you!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Reality Tag
1. The Fridge... always full of tons of milk for my milk guzzlers. And tons of ice cream for me.
2. Closet... I was too lazy to walk upstairs and this is only closet on the main level. These shoe hangers on the door are the only way to go when it comes to organizing!
3. The sink.... Pretty clean considering I was supposed to be cooking dinner. Of course we always have some sort of craft project going on.
4. Toilet.... always has Brenner's pee on it. I'm just realizing this bathroom needs something... paint or something. It's so boring!
5. Favorite Shoes... some sort of flip flop. These are currently being used as a door stop.
6. Favorite Room.... my family room. I spend the most time there (actually I spend the most time in the kitchen, but I look at the family room the most) so it is the room I have decorated the most. I need to paint something in there too!
7. What my kids are doing.... Playing in the back yard with a baby sitter while I'm supposed to be cooking dinner.
8. The laundry room.... the clothes are usually washed, but I don't get them back upstairs all that often.
9. Self-portrait... I think I'm 27 weeks or something like that. And I need to learn how to use my new camera.
10. Dream vacation.... I can't decide right now. My mood changes daily.