Thursday, March 3, 2011

Happy 70th birthday Grandpa Tom

Ryan's dad turned 70 on March 1st! Big milestone.
For his birthday, all of his kids met up north for a party. While the "guys" were watching the BYU basketball game, some of us went bowling.
Then we met at the church for games....
stacking 3 full coke cans on 3 empty ones...
hoola hoop races...
balloon races...
On Saturday night, we met Lucas and Shellie at their hotel. Ryan and Lucas took the kids swimming. I was too busy finally getting to hold this little baby, that I didn't take any pictures (and I'm really mad at myself for that because I would have liked to have some new pictures of him!)


Lib-Dawg said...

Looks like a lot of fun. That coke can game sounds interesting. So no parade of homes for ya this year?

Lucashell said...

Oh fun... I love games. Yea it was way fun to see you guys. I can't believe it is going to be another couple months before we see you again.. :(

Cami said...

I would have liked to see some new pictures of West.
I'll be mad at you too. LOL