I am not an expert at blogging and I probably break my own rules. But, I have been thinking of Rules of Blogging for a while and thought I would do a post. I have researched these and taken some from people online and some of them are my own rules.
Update Regularly. Once a day would be the best, but because some of us get busy at times, once a week would have to be the minimum.
Be interactive. Encourage people to leave comments and always leave comments on other's blogs. Put links to other's blogs, stuff online, etc.
Vary Topics. Don't just post stuff about your kids (this is for me.) Try to post things about yourself... hobbies, interests, work, etc.
Be creative. Be creative with titles, different topics for posts, post tags, polls, etc. Try to get people to want to read your blog. And always make sure you have PICTURES! (except on the post:)
Mix things up. Change backgrounds, update user profile, etc. Make sure people notice the stuff on the side, not just the posts.
Like I said, I'm sure I break my own rules all of the time, but these are 5 rules that I think are good rules for blogging. (You may add more rules to this in your comments.)