Brenner loves You Tube!!! He gets on there and watches videos of how to use his toys. When he gets a new toy, he doesn't need to read the instruction manual because he has already watched the video of how to construct it on You Tube. It's so funny. Anyway, we were on a trip to DI the other day. I always tell the kids I will buy them something for under $1. Brenner couldn't find anything he wanted. So we went to the outside portion to check out some stuff. He found an Icee Maker. It didn't have instructions, but no fear, Brenner figured he could find a video on You Tube. We didn't find a video, but what we did find was the instruction manual. So, he decided to make his own You Tube video. (I don't know how to use Imovie, so I just put the original video on there without any editing... sorry. Libby, I need you to teach me how to use it. The video is wide screen so part of it gets cut off it you watch it on the blog. You may actually want to watch it in You Tube for better viewing.)
Blue and Gold "Pow Wow" Banquet
I love Scouts. I have 3 boys and plan on spending a lot of time in Scouts.
I am currently the Unit Commission, Scout Committee Chair and the Wolf Den
10 years ago
OH my gosh that was pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! Smart kid, Brenner! He's awesome :).
Oh and hey, if you want to video to fit better with your blog template all you have to do is edit the HTML of the post and the Embed code...change the height and then the width to what ever you want, around 350 X 350 is what I usually do but you may have to experiment with it. That's how I get some videos I post to fit on my blog. Just FYI :).
I think Brenner is going to be the next Billie Mayes:) He'll make millions from his infomercials:) I loved it!!!!!
That was so cute, and he is so helpful. I have to agree with Logan and Sydney. He'll be great for infomercials. Your little boy is growing up!
Is the hamster an optional ingredient? LOL
This is so cute. He should make more!
OH MY HECK I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD - OUT LOUD. I have to say, and don't tell Brenner, but I think Joren stole the show for me. His comments and just standing there had me laughing! By the way iMovie is THE BEST. So easy. When I show you how to use it you are going to go crazy making these YouTube videos. (By the way YouTube is just one word) ;) ;) ;)
Brenner makes me laugh so hard when he says stuff like - I will go home and look it up on the computer... Wow he totally reminds me of Ryan when he talks.. Love that boy..
That kid is amazing! Crazy!
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