Saturday, August 25, 2007

40th West

This post is for all of my friends that have moved away from the neighborhood. Can you believe the changes around here? This is a picture of me driving down 40th West from 114th south (there's a light there) to my house. This will cut out tons of time heading to church (and Target). Strange how things happen so fast!!!


Jessica said...

Crazy! My mom and sister are here and they've been telling me about the changes.

And those were great education week ideas...and I am not getting stressed out about how many I actually do. Really.

Anisa said...

Trust me, none of us are perfect. I wouldn't have written them down if they weren't things that I needed to work on.

Kirbell said...

Wow! I can't believe all the changes since we moved. And it hasn't been that long! By the way, all roads lead to Target.

Scott said...

I can't believe it! It's fun to see all the changes.