Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A skater in the making

So, I'm sick of my kids summer clothes. I'm ready for them to have some new outfits. So, I'm putting them in pants and long sleeved shirts. I bought them for this winter, so they are a bit big at this time. Joren is having a really hard time keeping his pants on. The way I see it, he's getting practice because this is probably how he will wear them when he is a teenager. If by some fluke this style goes out (please, please) by the time he is a teenager, then he'll at least have had the chance to look cool. I prefer the diaper to the holey boxers anyway.


Cami said...


Cami said...

You're going to get mad at me for using online lingo.
You make me laugh.
Your kids make me laugh.